Stop A2P and voice bypass fraud in real-time
SMS and Voice Guard are leading fraud prevention products that include Mobik’s firewall but can also utilize any existing SMS or voice firewall already installed at operator.
SMS Guard
Prevent SMS grey routes and A2P exploitation in telecommunications traffic.
Voice Guard
Take control of your voice traffic and prevent voice fraud to further drain your revenue.
Voice Guard
Take control of your voice traffic and prevent voice fraud to further drain your revenue.
Data Guard
Mobile data revenue is oxygen for the future growth, financial stability, and survival of operators.
Data Guard
Mobile data revenue is oxygen for the future growth, financial stability, and survival of operators.
OTT Guard
An innovative OTT bypass detection service designed to detect and prevent OTT fraud in mobile networks.
OTT Guard
An innovative OTT bypass detection service designed to detect and prevent OTT fraud in mobile networks.
RCS Guard
Gain control and visibility over RCS/RBM in your network.
Detect and block OTT bypass and data fraud in your network
OTT and data fraud is increasing exponentially and cause your network not just revenue loss but network congestion. OTT apps are the source of current trends in A2P and voice bypass. OTT Guard and Data Guard are market leading products to protect your network and increase revenue.
Gain valuable network and customer visibility to increase the QoE for your subscribers
Network and customer visibility are essential to providing exceptional services for your subscribers.
Subscriber Analytics Platform (SAP)
Gain valuable insight into the behavior and usage of your subscribers.
Subscriber Analytics Platform (SAP)
Gain valuable insight into the behavior and usage of your subscribers.
Network Analytics Platform (NAP)
Make network visibility the corner stone of your business decisions.
Network Analytics Platform (NAP)
Make network visibility the corner stone of your business decisions.
Get a free fraud report for your network.
Choose only the best products for your fraud management and business intelligence strategy.
We listen. We adapt to your needs. Our passion is to catalyze the evolution of networks by developing powerful telco solutions based on European technology and know-how. We build partnerships and not transactional arrangements. Let’s see how we can help serve your needs.
Go beyond fragmented legacy fraud and revenue assurance management systems
One provider to rule them all
Mobik's fully-managed suite of products takes care of network needs in one place. Move beyond multiple systems and vendors, insufficient testing, outdated detection techniques and delayed blocking. Our products come equipped with a managed service that takes care of every aspect of operation.
One provider to rule them all
Mobik's fully-managed suite of products takes care of network needs in one place. Move beyond multiple systems and vendors, insufficient testing, outdated detection techniques and delayed blocking. Our products come equipped with a managed service that takes care of every aspect of operation.
Risk free for the operator
Our products and services are risk free for operators as they guarantee financial success without any risk. They can coexist with current legacy fraud prevention systems. Bundled with our fully managed service they do not require any additional resources at the operator.
Risk free for the operator
Our products and services are risk free for operators as they guarantee financial success without any risk. They can coexist with current legacy fraud prevention systems. Bundled with our fully managed service they do not require any additional resources at the operator.
Enhanced DPI technology
We develop our own technology based on our proprietary Next Generation Enhanced DPI (NGE-DPI) powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Enhanced DPI technology
We develop our own technology based on our proprietary Next Generation Enhanced DPI (NGE-DPI) powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning.