In an interconnected world, efficient data traffic protection is imperative
In the last decade, operators have invested heavily in mobile networks enabling better and better data transfers. Global megatrends have influenced consumer habits through the digitalization of lifestyle, which resulted in an increasing demand for data transfers every year. It is data that has become the primary driver of revenue for operators.
Data services and data consumption are growing exponentially. Total mobile data traffic is expected to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 40%. Intense competition between communication service providers and especially mobile network operators, has led to operators being forced to differentiate on data services.
While mobile data revenue presents oxygen for the future growth, financial stability, and survival of the operator, the proliferation of data services brought about new risks associated with the services. Operators who do not employ Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) data analysis will be more exposed to these risks. In order to secure their revenue and optimize costs, operators will need to have more in-depth information about each service and application their subscribers are using.

Data Guard
Data Guard is our most powerful fraud prevention and revenue assurance solution to provide operators with an active anti-fraud defense.
Data Guard’s core technology is based on our NGE-DPI (Next-Generation Enhanced – Deep Packet Inspection) platform powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). The platform is able to analyze more than 3500 applications and protocols in real-time. Even on encrypted traffic (HTTPS, SSH, VPNs) our NGE-DPI will detect data fraud with the support of more than 5500 other metadata.
Data fraud can amount to severe revenue loss, especially in very competitive prepaid mobile markets, where operators are losing up to 5% of their data revenue to fraud. Special promotional data packages, zero-rate service charges and other data bundles are even more exposed. Identifying fraud allows operators to prevent revenue leakages where they are unable to charge appropriately for traffic.
Our core technology enables us to detect and prevent fraud on the basis of detailed usage and additional metadata analyzed with ML and AI.
With Data Guard we will protect your mobile network and secure its data revenue.
Get a data fraud report for your network free of charge:
Zero-rate charging exploitation
Zero rate charging can be abused by HTTP header injection, domain fronting, DNS spoofing etc. In order to satisfy the demands of different customer groups, operators are forced to offer different data bundles such as zero-rate packages. Fraudsters can exploit these zero-rate services for purposes not covered by the package which causes revenue loss due to insufficiently charged data traffic. Data Guard is able to protect against such manipulative data usage, thus enabling the operator to correctly monetize its data offerings.
Data revenue leakage monitoring
Data Guard allows operators to perform additional network scans that accurately measure data usage, detecting control problems and billing issues. Collected data allows a point to point comparison with other business support systems. In the event of failure of operator’s business support systems, data from Data Guard may be used to calculate data usage for billing purposes.
Fair use policy management
Data Guard is a capable Fair Use Policy Management solution, which can implement fair usage to meet the business requirements of the operator. The service ensures that shared network resources are available across all hours, especially in peak times, by limiting users or groups. Operators preserve Quality of Experience (QoE) for the majority of users, increasing network efficiency and capacities during peak hours, and delays investments into the network itself.
01. Key success factors
- Based on propriety NGE-DPI (Next-Generation Enhanced – Deep Packet Inspection).
- Data Guard detects and prevents data fraud in real-time.
- Powered by Data Guard DPI probes.
- The Data Guard platform is not limited to the number of concurrent subscribers using the mobile data service or total subscriber base of operator.
- Scalable to any mobile network and throughput size.
- Lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) on the market with guaranteed success.
02. Support and knowledge
- Fully-managed service.
- Dedicated global 24/7 support from Mobik engineers with knowledge of local market trends and worldwide fraud detection.
- Consulting on how to maximize revenue from data services.
- Free of charge data fraud report for your network.
02. State of the art technical solution
- Leading data monetization platform worldwide.
- Penetration tests on daily basis through Mobik’s global probe network.
- Real-time data fraud detection and prevention.
- Real-time dashboards for all data traffic.
- Combat zero-rate charging abuse by HTTP header injection, domain fronting, DNS spoofing etc.
- Network threat management at the user or application layer.
- Revenue leakage monitoring to accurately measure data usage.
- Fair Usage Policy implementation.
- Billing failure back-up.